07 January 2012


Well, the SWTCG has been out of publication for a few year now, but I still like it and miss it.  Not that I got a chance to play it all that much, yet it stuck with me.  Then when I thought all was lost when WoTC dropped SWTCG, along came the Independent Development Committee (IDC).  What a tremendous group to put so much work into a game to keep it alive.  As I'm sure with  quite a few folks who play TCGs, we think we can make cards too.  Well, I joined the ranks of those folks and this is my blog regarding my efforts.  Although, unlike some folks I see in forums, I just don't have a "dream card" or two to post.  Nope, I went out and developed a whole set...numbering 255 cards at the moment.  I'm reviewing them now and I may nix a few cards and add a couple.  This effort started about four years ago, but life and kids always seemed to prevent me from returning to the effort.  Perhaps the some of the same reasons the IDC took a hiatus.

Either way, not only am I in the process of completing a whole set, I decided to go where no man has gone before...to card material where there was no readily available graphics to put on the cards.  Yes, the set I'm making is called "Vector Prime" and is based upon the first book in the New Jedi Order series of books published in the Star Wars realm.  How can you do this you ask?  Well, first I'm stubborn.  Second, it isn't exactly an original idea.  WoTC used non-film clip graphics in their cards and it seems in the interim between when I started this effort and am now revisiting it Fantasy Flight Games entered the Star Wars card game arena and they're not using film clips at all.  They're using all original art.  Still the question remains, how can I do this...it's not like I'm an artist.  Well, there is plenty of Star Wars art out there on the web.  There's even a Star Wars Artists Guild out there.  I will first search the web for a graphic, then I will go to the Star Wars Artists Guild if I get stuck for a graphic.  Now, it's not going to be a perfect effort in that I'm not necessarily going to find the perfect graphic for each card, but there will be a decent graphic for each card.  At least, that is my intent. 

In a later post, I'll discuss how I plan to handle introducing the Yuuzhan Vong in to the SWTCG environment.

Of course, I, like the IDC, do not claim, nor ever has claimed, any rights to the legal ownership of Star Wars: The Trading Card Game, its rules, ideas, production or designs. I, likewise, do not intend infringement on the properties of Wizard of the Coast or Lucasfilm, Ltd., with the intention of making a profit. Any virtual card sets or rules will be developed for the TCG fan, with no charge for services or products rendered.

(Sorry IDC.  I saw no reason to reinvent the wheel on a such a well written legal disclaimer, so I used yours.)

P.S.  Yes I'm mixing some Star Trek phrases into my blog, but I was inspired by George Takei's mediation of the Shatner/Fisher feud to make peace and focus on the real enemy: Twilight!

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